Temi Kuti

PCC Governor

Elected 2019

My involvement with the St John’s Primary school started when our son (Nathan) joined Nursery in May 2011, thus beginning a relationship with the school that has continued even after Nathan left for secondary school at the Wren Academy.

Myself, my husband and family are also members of the congregation of St John’s church and have been for many years, holding various official church roles/duties between us, consequently when I was asked to join as a Parish Parochial Council (PCC) Governor in the summer of this year, it was definitely a request I could not refuse, and a privilege I do not take lightly.

My full time role within Programme Management in the Financial Services sector has allowed me to broaden my perspective and to think outside-the-box, which I believe will bring a different viewpoint to an otherwise incredibly dedicated team of governors.

Primary school education is a key foundation that plays a fundamental role in all our children’s development, especially the role of faith in helping to enhance their moral and spiritual outlook, so as a member of the ‘Spiritual-Life subcommittee’, my role is to further assist in ensuring that the ethos of St Johns as a faith-based school continues to flourish and our children continue to learn in an environment that values Respect, Kindness and Acceptance amongst others.