
Welcome to Nursery!

The first stage in your childs’ Early Years Education
Welcome to the Nursery page. Here you will find information about what we do in nursery and ways you can help at home.

In the nursery a strong emphasis is placed on children building relationships with other children and adults that work with them.  This significantly impacts on their ability and motivation to learn.  If they feel secure in their environment, then they are more motivated.

We observe the children to find out what their interests are and then plan activities that relate to these interests, taking into account some of their next steps in learning.

Much of the children’s time is spent accessing activities and resources of their choice, but each day a teacher focused activity is planned for the children.


When children leave nursery they have had a wide range of experiences and are ready to continue their learning journey in reception.  We hope your child enjoys their time at St John’s Nursery.

Some of the fantastic activities your child will enjoy in the Nursery class:

  Termly cooking class

 Tending the vegetable and flower garden

Fortnightly swimming class

Weekly library session

Nursery News

A range of creative and exploratory activities

small group activities to develop social and emotional development

opportunity to use chromebooks and other technology

Daily singing or story session

Meet Our Staff

Meet our Nursery Teachers
Mrs N Gaffar


Mrs Alldis


Mrs Emms

EYFS Nursery Nurse

Mrs Geldart


Mrs Athanasi

PPA Cover

Mrs Bekteshi


Visit our Gallery!

Look at how busy we have been at Nursery!

Autumn activities

The children have been taking part in lots of activities and discussion about the season of autumn.  We have been talking about the changes that occur during this time