Your child's school needs you! Please support the Summer Fete to help us raise as much as possible for new Activity Trail equipment and an outdoor storytelling area. Helpers are needed to run stalls, serve food and drinks, set up …
Sep 23 |
Y2 Workshop Florence Nightingale Workshop |
Sep 25 |
Young Shakespeare 'Twelfth Night' |
Sep 27 |
Inset Day (School Closed) |
Your child's school needs you! Please support the Summer Fete to help us raise as much as possible for new Activity Trail equipment and an outdoor storytelling area. Helpers are needed to run stalls, serve food and drinks, set up …
Your child's school needs you! Please support the Summer Fete to help us raise as much as possible for new Activity Trail equipment and an outdoor storytelling area. Helpers are needed to run stalls, serve food and drinks, set up …