Macci Dobie

Head Teacher

I am the Head Teacher at St John’s and have been teaching for almost 30 years.  In my teaching career I have taught within all Key Stages (EYFS, KS1 and KS2) and have benefitted greatly from this experience gaining valuable knowledge of children’s development within the Primary setting.  I am part of the senior leadership team and value the opportunity to shape and lead the school.  I thoroughly enjoy working with and being part of the school team; sharing all staff’s experience and knowledge has greatly developed and improved my own role as a teacher and senior leader.

I am a mum of a set of twins, Alessandro and Caterina, and therefore recognise and understand the school experience from a parents point of view.

I have been a staff governor for many years and now step into the role of governance as Head Teacher.  I value working alongside our caring and committed governing body team which takes great pride in the achievements of the children and school as a whole.
